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Barbie’s big medical question

Barbie’s big medical question = 

Are Barbie and Kens bodies physically possible in real life?

It is very unlikely. Barbie has an estimated BMI of 16.24. But is this body possible for Barbie in real life? Ken has an unusual body as well.

The debate has been restarted by the new Barbie film, which was released in cinemas on 21st July 2023. Barbie is played by Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling is Ken.

Idealised Barbie and Ken bodies.

In fact, there is on-going discussion in both the scientific literature and general media concerning the appropriateness of the body shape and proportions of the Ken and Barbie dolls – the most popular dolls in modern history. The greatest concern has been of the possible influence that these, and other ‘cultural ideals’ for body shape, may have on young children.

Barbie close up diagram.

However, these concerns have been based on the subjective interpretation of how one perceives the body dimensions of the dolls relative to an adult size.

But now recent scientific analysis has confirmed the concerns, showing that the probability for such a body shape for Barbie is less than 1 in 100,000. Ken is more realistic at about 1 in 50.

Defending their body choice, Kim Culmone (Head of Design at Mattel that make Barbie) has said,

Barbie’s body was never designed to be realistic. She was designed for girls to easily dress and undress. And she’s had many bodies over the years, ones that are poseable, ones that are cut for princess cuts, ones that are more realistic.”

At MyHSN, we feel it is important that children and young adults are encouraged not to seek a ‘perfect’ Barbie-like body (as it is extremely unlikely). They should be taught to be happy as they are, with their own bodies and appearance.

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