NHS cancer targets – 31 and 62 days

As well as the 2-week cancer wait referral (that sets the standards for the initial assessment .. though it is being replaced by a 4 week target), there are two other key NHS targets that apply to cancer.

31 day (treatment plan) target
There should be no more than a month’s (31 days) wait between the appointment when you and your doctor agree the treatment plan and the start of treatment.

62 day (treatment start) target
There should be no more than 2 months’ (62 days) wait between the date the hospital receives an urgent referral for suspected cancer and the start of treatment. The two-week cancer system starts from that date too (i.e. when you are first seen).

The first cancer treatment after diagnosis is often surgery, but it can also be chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


These are the NHS’s 31 and 62 day cancer targets. They are just as important as the 2 week target for the initial referral, as they dictate the pace that the treatment is planned and started.