10 angular stomatitis facts

In this article we will describe 10 facts about angular stomatitis, focusing on its causes, investigation and treatment.
1. Definition
Angular stomatitis, also known as angular cheilitis or perlèche, is a condition characterised by inflammation of the corners of the mouth.
Infectious angular stomatitis: Caused by fungal, viral or bacterial infection
Nutritional angular stomatitis: Related to deficiencies in vitamins (e.g. B12) or minerals (e.g. iron)
Irritant angular stomatitis: Caused by local irritation (e.g. mouthwash, food).
2. Epidemiology
Angular stomatitis affects upto 5% of the general population, with higher prevalence amongst:
Older adults
Individuals with dentures or other oral prosthetics
Those with nutritional deficiencies or systemic disease (e.g. diabetes, anaemia).
3. Risk Factors
4. Causes
Fungal or bacterial:
- Candida species alone (usually Candida albicans), which accounts for about 20% of cases
- Bacterial species, either:
- Or a combination of the above organisms, (a polymicrobial infection) with about 60% of cases involving both C. albicans and S. aureus.
- Candida can be detected in about 90% of angular stomatitis lesions. But this organism is found in the mouths of about 40% of healthy individuals, and it is considered to be normal commensal component of the oral microbiota
- Note. Angular stomatitis is not contagious like cold sores.
Local irritation
- Antiretroviral treatment
- Vitamin deficiency including vitamin B2/6/12, or mineral deficiency (iron or zinc)
- A compromised immune system (e.g. if a person’s immune system is not working effectively because of diabetes or drugs used in immuno/chemotherapy to treat autoimmne disease or cancer)
5. Symptoms and Signs
Redness and inflammation at the corners of the mouth
Cracking or fissuring of the skin
Pain or tenderness
Difficulty eating or speaking.
6. Diagnosis
7. Investigation
Most people do not need investigation.
Note. If anaemia is discovered it should be investigated properly. If iron deficiency is diagnosed, you should investigate for chronic bleeding.
8. Treatment
In many cases, no treatment is needed and angular stomatitis resolves by itself.
General measures
- Use of lip balm or a thick emollient ointment applied frequently (often sufficient treatment alone for saliva-induced angular stomatitis)
- Topical antiseptics.
Specific measures
Ok, but what should you actually do?
- If it doesn’t resolve by itself in 3-4 days with lip balm etc, a good first treatment is miconazole-hydrocortisone cream for 7 days – this combination will reduce inflammation and treat candida infection
- Also many gram positive bacteria including streptococci and staphylococci are sensitive to miconazole.
When to See a Doctor or Dentist
If you experience persistent or severe symptoms, it’s essential to consult a doctor or dentist for proper evaluation and treatment.
9. Complications
10. Prognosis
- In many cases angular stomatitis gets better of its own accord. If not it is usually curable and rarely results in permanent scarring or pigmentation
- Improvement is usually seen within the first few days of treatment and typically resolves by two weeks
- However, recurrence is possible if underlying causes are not addressed.
We have described 10 facts about angular stomatitis, focusing on its causes, investigation and treatment. We hope it has been helpful.
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