10 ankle sprain facts

  The purple area is bruising caused by bleeding into the skin

In this article we will describe 10 facts about ankle sprains.

5 Key Points

  1. Ankle sprains are common: Accounting for approximately 10% of all sports injuries
  2. Occur when people walk or run on uneven ground and the foot turns in, stretching the ligaments of the ankle beyond their limits and tearing them
  3. Typically, the ankle is swollen and bruised, and walking is painful
  4. Doctors can usually diagnose ankle sprains based on the physical examination and sometimes x-rays.
  5. Treatment usually includes PRICE (protection, rest, ice, compression with a bandage, and elevation of the leg) for mild sprains, immobilisation and physical therapy for moderate and severe sprains, and sometimes surgery for very severe sprains.

1. Definition

An ankle sprain is a type of injury that occurs when the ligaments surrounding the ankle joint are stretched or torn. This can happen when the ankle is twisted, rolled, or landed on awkwardly.

The bruising you see is blood form the torn ligaments.

Sprains usually occur when the foot turns in, causing the sole of the foot to face the other foot (called inversion). 

2. Types

Ankle sprains can be classified into three grades, based on the severity of the injury:
  • Grade 1: Mild sprain with minimal pain and swelling.
  • Grade 2: Moderate sprain with moderate pain and swelling.
  • Grade 3: Severe sprain with significant pain and swelling.

3. Epidemiology

Ankle sprains are a common injury, affecting approximately 2.15 per 1,000 people per year in the UK. They are more common in sports that involve running, jumping, and quick changes of direction, such as football, rugby, and netball.

4. Risk Factors

Certain conditions tend to cause the foot to turn (or ankle to roll) out and thus increase the risk of a sprain::

  • Having had a previous sprain that made the ligaments in the ankle loose
  • Poor ankle strength and flexibility
  • Abnormal foot biomechanics
  • Inadequate warm-up and cool-down
  • Wearing certain types of shoes, such as spiked heels.

5. Causes

The injury usually damages the ligaments on the outside of the ankle. Inversion can occur when people walk on uneven ground, especially when they step on a rock or off the edge of a curb.

It can also happen during sports, exercise, or even everyday activities.

Whatever the cause, in most, the foot turns in, tearing a ligament on the outside of the ankle.

6. Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms and signs of ankle sprains can vary depending on the severity of the injury. Common symptoms and signs include:


Ligaments stretch and tear, but the tears are so small that they can be seen only with a microscope. The ankle usually does not hurt or swell very much, but it is weakened and more likely to be injured again. Recovery can take hours to days.

Moderate to severe

Ligaments tear partially. The ankle is often swollen and bruised, and walking is usually painful and difficult. Healing takes days to weeks. If the ankle is sprained again, nerves may be damaged.

There may be a feeling of instability or wobbliness in the ankle. Limited range of motion and stiffness in the ankle

Very severe

Ligaments tear completely. The whole ankle may be swollen and bruised. The ankle is unstable, and people cannot put any weight on it.

Healing usually takes 6 to 8 weeks. If people do not wait until their ankle is healed completely before they resume their usual activities, they increase their risk of future injuries, and the ankle may not heal well.

7. Diagnosis

Diagnosing ankle sprains typically involves a combination of:
  • Medical history: Taking a detailed medical history to understand the mechanism of injury and symptoms
  • Physical examination: Performing a thorough physical examination to assess ankle mobility, strength, and stability
  • Imaging tests: Ordering imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRI scans, to rule out other injuries or conditions. These are not normally necessary.

8. Investigation

Investigation is not usually necessary. But investigating ankle sprains may involve:
  • Ankle instability tests: Performing tests, such as the anterior drawer test or the talar tilt test, to assess ankle stability
  • Proprioception tests: Assessing proprioception (awareness of body position and movement) to identify any deficits.
Differential Diagnosis
  • Ankle fractures: Fractures of the ankle bones, such as the malleoli or the talus
  • Ankle tendinopathies: Conditions affecting the tendons surrounding the ankle, such as Achilles tendinopathy
  • Ankle impingement syndromes: Conditions where soft tissues or bony structures impinge on the ankle joint.

9. Treatment

  • Principle: protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation (PRICE)
  • Simple analgesia
  • A simple bandage may be needed. In more severs cases, there may be a need for a splint, specially designed boot, or cast – to provide additional support and stability
  • Physiotherapy – with exercises to improve ankle strength, flexibility, and proprioception.
Ankle Sprain: Tips for a Fast Recovery | Joint Replacement Institute  How to bandage a sprained ankle. Elasticated ones can be used as well

10. Prevention

Preventing ankle sprains is crucial, especially for athletes and individuals who engage in high-risk activities. The following prevention strategies can be recommended:
  • Ankle strengthening exercises: Regularly performing ankle strengthening exercises to improve ankle stability
  • Proprioception training: Engaging in proprioception training to improve balance and coordination
  • Wearing appropriate footwear: Wearing shoes that provide adequate support and stability
  • Using orthotics: Using orthotics, such as ankle braces, to provide additional support and stability.


In this article we have described 10 facts about ankle sprains. We hope it has been helpful.

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