10 common skin diseases (with photos)

What Is the Most Effective Skin Rash Treatment? | Children's Skin Center PA
Skin diseases can be itching, unsightly and irritating

Some skin diseases are minor. Others cause severe symptoms, and can be life-threatening.

So. Here are 10 common skin diseases (with photos)

1. Acne

Blocked skin follicles that lead to oil, bacteria and dead skin build-up in your pores


2. Alopecia areata

Losing your hair in small patches

Alopecia Areata - Here's Everything You Should Know About It – SkinKraftAlopecia

3. Atopic dermatitis (eczema)

Dry, itchy skin that leads to swelling, cracking or scaliness. It often affects the inside of the elbow, back of knees, and hands


Common Skin ConditionsEczema

4. Cellulitis

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection in the deeper layers of the skin. It develops quickly and can spread rapidly throughout the body (causing sepsis). The affected skin may be red, swollen, hot, and painful or tender. It is most common in the legs but can occur anywhere in the body. Severe cellulitis may be life threatening; and treatment includes antibiotics, that may need to be intravenous in hospital

10 cellulitis facts - Health Service NavigatorCellulitis

5. Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis)

This leads to itching, redness, and cracked skin on the feet and in between the toes. This fungus is found in warm, moist areas like swimming pools and changing rooms

Athlete's foot (Tinea pedis): Prevention and Treatment | The Foot Hub

6. Psoriasis

Scaly silvery skin that may swell or feel hot.


7. Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

This is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox (varicella-zoster virus). If you have had chickenpox, you are at risk for shingles as the chickenpox virus lies dormant (not active) in your nervous system for years

Is It Shingles or Something Else? | Everyday HealthCan affect the body (one sided)

Shingles: Symptoms, treatment, and causesOr the face (one-sided as well)

8. Skin cancer

Uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells. There are various types including basal cell carcinoma (BCC; less serious), melanoma (more serious) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC; variable). Most skin cancers are linked to sunlight exposure, so are often on the face. But they can be anywhere

Basal cell carcinomaBCC – often on nose

Eyelid Skin Cancer PhotosBCC – or near eye

Melanoma - WikipediaMelanoma

Early-Stage Melanoma: Skin Cancer TreatmentEarly stage melanoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Skin - Dermatology AdvisorSCC – often on face

Squamous Cell Carcinoma - The Skin Cancer FoundationSCC – can be on ears

9. Sunburn

Occurs when there is too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun or sunlamps. The skin turns red, painful, hot to the touch, and may even peel away


10.  Warts and verrucas

An image showing warts on a person's finger Typical warts

Other diseases

Dactylitis (that King Charles may have)

Possible dactylitis

Raynaud’s phenomenon  periodic reduced blood flow to your fingers, toes or other body parts, causing numbness or skin colour change

Raynaud's - NHSRaynaud’s phenomenon

Rosacea – flushed, thick skin and pimples, usually on the face. Related to acne

Rosacea - WikipediaRosacea

Vitiligo – patches of skin that lose pigment


Vitiligo: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & RecoveryVitiligo

Urticaria (‘hives’)

Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria: Pictures, Symptoms, and TreatmentUrticaria

Urticaria includes familiar welts (raised, red, itchy areas) that can occur on the skin. Common causes of hives include medication, food, and bug bites or stings


We have described 10 common skin diseases (with photos). We hope that you have found it helpful.

Other resources

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