10 facts about suicide

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1. Prevalence

Suicide is a major public health issue, ranking among the top leading causes of death worldwide.

Every year, more people die as a result of suicide than HIV, malaria or breast cancer  ̶  or war and homicide. In 2019, more than 700,000 people died by suicide: one in every 100 deaths.

In 2020, it was the 12th leading cause of death in the United States.

In 2022, there were 5,642 suicides registered in England and Wales (10.7 deaths per 100,000 people).

Males continued to account for three-quarters of suicide deaths registered in 2022 (4,179 male deaths; 1,463 female deaths).

2. Age and gender differences

Whilst suicide rates are higher among men than women, women are more likely to attempt suicide. Men often use more lethal means, resulting in higher mortality.

3. Epidemiology

Younger people. Suicide and accidental poisoning are the leading cause of death for 20-34 year olds (24% of men and 12% of women).

Suicide rates are also high amongst vulnerable groups who experience discrimination, such as refugees and migrants; indigenous peoples; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBTI) persons; and prisoners.

Suicidal behaviour

Suicides are the tip of the iceberg. For every suicide death, there are:

  • 3 hospitalisations for self-harm
  • 8 A&E visits related to suicide
  • 38 self-reported suicide attempts in the past year
  • 265 people who seriously considered suicide in the past year.
4. Risk factors for suicide
  • Male gender
  • Being widowed, divorced or separated
  • Being in a lone person household
  • Certain professions: vets (highest risk); doctors/dentists; pharmacists; farmers; journalists; those in armed services
  • Unemployment
  • Drugs/alcohol
  • Mental health problems.
Mental health correlation

Mental health disorders – particularly depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and substance abuse – are strongly linked to suicide. Around 90% of individuals who die by suicide have a diagnosable mental health condition at the time of their death.

5. Warning signs

Common warning signs include talking about wanting to die, feelings of hopelessness, withdrawing from friends and family, changes in eating and sleeping habits, and engaging in risky or self-destructive behaviours.

6. Stigma and barriers to treatment

Stigma around mental health and suicide can prevent individuals from seeking help. Many people fear judgment or do not recognise the severity of their condition, leading to a lack of treatment.

7. Access to means

Restricting access to common means of suicide, such as firearms, pesticides, and certain medications, has been shown to reduce suicide rates. Safe storage of these means, and regulation are critical preventive measures.

8. Global variability

Suicide rates and methods vary significantly across different cultures and regions. For instance, some countries may have higher rates of suicide by hanging, while others see more suicides involving firearms or poisoning.

9. Economic impact

Beyond the emotional toll, suicide has a significant economic impact due to lost productivity, medical costs, and the provision of care for those who attempt suicide and survive.

10. Prevention and support

Effective suicide prevention strategies include crisis intervention, mental health education, promoting social connectedness, and improving access to mental health care. Support systems, such as hotlines and counselling services, are vital for individuals in crisis.


We have described 10 facts about suicide. We hope it has been helpful. Please seek help now if you are having suicidal thoughts.

Other resources

Suicide – getting help (NHS England)
Suicide – getting help (NHS Scotland)
Review article: Soreff, 2023