10 HIV/AIDS facts and myths

In this article, we will describe 10 HIV/AIDS facts and myths.

Key Points

  • Myth. There is no cure for HIV. This is true but there are very effective treatments
  • Myth. Only homosexual men and drug users get HIV. No, anyone can do
  • Myth. Women with HIV cannot have a baby. They can and there are ways doctors can prevent the baby getting HIV
  • Myth. There are always symptoms. Not true, many people have it and don’t know it
  • Myth. HIV is always a death sentence. No. Whilst there is no cure to HIV or AIDS, HIV can be treated very effectively.

What is HIV? 

It is a virus that damages the cells in your immune system and weakens your ability to fight everyday infections and disease.

And what is AIDS? AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) means a number of potentially life-threatening infections and illnesses that happen when your immune system has been severely damaged by the HIV virus.

So. What are 10 myths and facts about HIV and AIDS?

  1. Myth: HIV and AIDs are the same thing

Fact. HIV and AIDS are related but they are not the same thing.

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. The virus damages the cells of your immune system, making it harder for you to fight infections and disease.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is the name given to a number of potentially life-threatening conditions that can develop because HIV has weakened your immune system.

  1. Myth. There is a cure for HIV

Fact. There is currently no cure for HIV, but there are many effective drug treatments available. Today, if HIV is detected early enough, most people are able to live a long and healthy life.

Contrary to what many people think, most people who are diagnosed with HIV do not develop AIDS and do not have a shortened life expectancy because of it.

  1. Not many people have HIV in the UK

Fact: Over 100,000 people are currently living with HIV in the UK

This number is less than 1% of the total number around the world, which highlights just how well the UK does to protect against HIV.

Although in the UK we have a relatively low incidence rate, HIV is still a real problem elsewhere in the world.

Historically, HIV is one of the most serious diseases ever. More than 40 million people have died from HIV and AIDS-related illnesses since it first emerged.

  1. Myth: Only homosexual men and drug users can get infected

Fact. This myth was born out of the spread of disease across the gay community of Los Angeles in the 1980s. Many people assumed it was only contracted by homosexual men and drug users sharing needles.

This was, and still is, simply not true.

HIV does not discriminate – and unprotected sex or sharing needles, can put you in danger regardless of your gender or sexuality.

  1. Myth. HIV is only a major problem in low-income countries

Fact:  Over 35 million people are living with HIV worldwide. Even though many are from low-income countries, it is a still a significant problem in middle and high-income countries.

In many low-income places, the infection rate is still quite high. So it’s crucial that the important message of awareness is continued.

  1. Myth: You can only get HIV through sexual contact

Fact. The majority of HIV cases are transmitted through sexual contact. But there are other ways of getting it, ee.g. sharing needles.

The only way to protect yourself against contracting HIV through sexual contact is to use a condom.

HIV can be transmitted if you have an open wound that comes into contact with infected bodily fluids such as semen, vaginal fluids, blood, breast milk and rectal secretions.

However, it is important to remember that HIV cannot be transmitted via day to day contact, kissing, or sharing drinks.

  1. Myth. Most babies born to HIV positive mothers in the UK, also have HIV

Fact: Only 1% of babies born to HIV positive mothers in the UK have HIV.

Many people assume that if a woman has HIV then their children will be born with the disease automatically. This is not true, although it does happen on rare occasions.

If you are HIV positive, this does not mean that you cannot have children. There are treatment options available to ensure neither your partner nor your unborn child contract the disease.

  1. Myth: There are always symptoms

Fact. A HIV-positive person can live with the disease for years without showing any signs.

This is why it is important to have only protected sex with a new partner; until you get tested and can be sure that their sexual history won’t lead to you becoming infected.

In the UK, about 1 in 15 people with HIV don’t know they are infected.

These are some of the symptoms of HIV.

  1. Myth. Its hard to test for HIV

Fact: Its easy. You can now get tested using just a saliva sample. A simple saliva test can help to determine whether or not you have  HIV. A straightforward kit is delivered to your door with easy-to-follow instructions about how it works.

All you need to do next is send it off and wait for the results which are delivered with complete confidentiality.

  1. Myth: HIV is always a death sentence

Fact. While there is no cure to HIV or AIDS, HIV can be treated very effectively.

Since it first spread, there has been an outstanding amount of progress made in this area. And HIV treatment is now extremely advanced.

An HIV-positive person can live a normal and active life; with an average life expectancy that is extremely close to that of an HIV-negative person.


We have described 10 HIV/AIDS facts and myths. We hope that this has helped you, and you have learnt something.

Other resource

This if more information about HIV from the CDC in the USA.