10 most common student health problems

We will now describe what are the 10 most common student health problems.


Going away from home to university for the first time can be difficult, and it is even worse if you get sick. For many people this might be the first time that you have had to deal with being unwell and away from home, and it can be a frightening prospect.

This quick guide hopes to give you some information about how to deal with some common problems; and also tell you when it is important to contact a doctor and when it isn’t. Remember that this information is a guide and if you are feeling unsure you should always consult a medical professional.

1. Common upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs)

“I have a cough/sore throat/headache/earache/cold”

These are probably the most common problems that you will come across especially if you are living in halls of residence. They are usually caused by a viral infection and will resolve within a week. These are a few top tips:

  • The best way to cope with this is to rest and drink lots of fluid and generally take care of yourself
  • Aspirin (or other related drugs called NSAIDs) or paracetamol can help. Take for upto 3 days
  • You do NOT need antibiotics to treat a common cold or tonsillitis
  • You do NOT need to see a doctor
  • Coughs can last for up to 3 weeks.

If your symptoms appear to be getting worse or don’t improve AT ALL after a week you may need to consult your doctor.

2. “I have diarrhoea and vomiting”

When you are in halls this is probably the last problem that you want to have. However it is not uncommon. This is often caused by gastroenteritis (a bacterium or virus that you have eaten in your food = ‘food poisoning’) and will usually resolve itself within 48 hours. During this time there are some steps that you can take to ease the problem:

  • Try to avoid eating solid food
  • Drink regular small amounts of a sweet drink like squash, lucozade or cola  It is better to drink small amounts regularly
  • You may want to take an over the counter antidiarrheal medication like Loperamide (Imodium), which can be very effective at easing symptoms
  • Most importantly if your symptoms are not improved within 3 days consult your doctor.

Note. Gastroenteritis is not always related to food. Outbreaks at unis just happen especially one called norovirus. There are often outbreaks of this virus in September-November.

3. COVID-19

There is still alot of COVID about. Its now become just one of the normal viral respiratory illnesses, like the common cold and flu.

Okay so technically speaking this isn’t just limited to being one of the university illnesses. But similarly to freshers’ flu, unfortunately coronavirus seems to spread very quickly amongst students. We all know the symptoms by now: everything from headaches to a runny nose, continuous cough, fatigue, body ache, loss of smell or taste, or sometimes nothing at all.

So exactly how do you know if you have flu, freshers’ flu, COVID-19, or just a bad cold? Well, the only way to really know is to have a lateral flow or PCR test.

4. Cystitis (or urinary tract infection, UTI)

This is a bacterial infection of the bladder. Many students shy away from voicing this problem, even though it is widespread problem. It is almost always a problem in women, especially when they start having sex.

It usually shows itself as low abdominal pain, burning on passing wee (and passing it more often) and occasionally blood in the urine (that should be short-lived).

Natural methods like drinking cranberry juice extract may relieve symptoms, it is worth visiting a doctor it goes on for more than 48 hours, to be considered for antibiotics.

If a man gets a UTI, they should asked to be referred by their GP to a hospital consultant called a urologist. If a woman has three in a row, or a severe one that does not clear up, they should also see a urologist.

5. Conjunctivitis (‘pink eye’)

Symptoms of conjunctivitis include eye redness, discharge, itchiness, and swelling. Eyesight should be normal. Causes vary, but it can be very contagious, whether caused by either a bacteria or virus. Treatments can include antibiotics in the form of ointment or eye drops.

If you think you have it, you should see a doctor – either a local or uni-based GP, or go to your nearest Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC). These are also called Urgent Care Centres (UCCs), Walk-in centres or Minor Illness/Injury Units (MIUs).

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Symptoms, Causes, and Types

Conjunctivitis (there is often pus coming from the eye)

6. Infectious mononucleosis (glandular fever, or ‘mono’, or ‘kissing disease)

This is very common among teens, but can occur in young adults. It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. This particular virus is spread through saliva (hence ‘kissing disease’).

Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Weak muscles
  • Fatigue

Like most viral infections, treatment involves easing the symptoms and letting it run its course. Doctors recommend staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, and taking general OTC medications such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen (not Aspirin), or other cold cures.

7. Meningitis (bacteria and viruses)

This is a bacterial (more serious) or viral infection of the outside lining of the brain. It is a dangerous condition that can be potentially fatal. It is important that you look out for the signs of meningitis in both yourself and the people that you know – as prompt action in very important.

  • High fever
  • Severe headache
  • Neck pain or stiffness
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • Drowsiness and/or confusion
  • Sore throat
  • Seizure
  • A rash which doesn’t disappear if you roll a glass over it.

Meningitis - Symptoms - NHSMeningococcal rash

These are the main signs of meningitis. If you think you or anyone you know are exhibiting these signs it is important that you see a doctor immediately. So go to your local A&E department.

You don’t need to wait to see if all of the symptoms appear: if you have 3 or more of the symptoms get medical help. A temperature and rash which doesn’t disappear if you roll a glass over it (non-blanching) is a medical emergency – go to A&E immediately.

Untreated meningitis (and encephalitis; brain infection) are serious and can lead to death or permanent brain damage.

8. Measles (virus)

Measles is a disease that hopefully you would have been vaccinated against as a child. But it is still important that you know what a measles infection looks like. These are the symptoms:

  • You will feel generally unwell
  • A patchy red rash will develop on the face and body
  • Dry cough
  • Red eyes
  • Intolerance to light.

Measles - NHSMeasles rash

Here is what you should do:

  • See a GP
  • Drink as much as you need
  • Take paracetamol for upto 3 days if you are unwell.

9. Mumps (virus)

Like measles it unlikely as you should have been vaccinated against it as a child. But you can still get it even if you have been vaccinated. It is important as it can potentially lead to meningitis.

The signs and symptoms of mumps are:

  • A swelling just in front of you ear in most cases this will be on both sides
  • Pain
  • Fever
  • It is important that you go to your GP if you think that you might have mumps. You can control the symptoms with paracetamol.

10. Chicken Pox (virus)

You are most likely to have had chicken pox as a child. However some of you may have escaped it. The main symptoms of chicken pox are:

  • Rash – small red 3mm spots which turn into blisters
  • These can affect the scalp
  • It this affects the palate swallowing can be difficult
  • The treatment usually consists of Calamine lotion to sooth the itching and paracetamol for any pain. It is also worth consulting your doctor as chicken pox has the capability of being quite severe in adulthood.

Chickenpox: Symptoms and PicturesChickenpox blistering rash

Other infectious diseases to watch out for

There are a number of potentially dangerous infections that you are at higher risk of if you live in halls. This is simply because there are a large number of people living in close proximity so disease can spread more easily.

‘Flu’ (group of viruses)

‘Flu’ doesn’t really exist as a definable entity. Most of us consider it a very bad cold, that may be due to one of the influenza viruses. But we don’t check, so actually we never know which bug caused it.

Like the common cold, it gets better of its own accord. But it can make you feel very unwell and is also quite contagious. The main symptoms of flu are:

  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Aching and tiredness
  • Dry cough and runny nose
  • Difficulty sleeping.

This is something that a large proportion of university students get in the first term of university. It can range from a cold to a flu-like illness that leaves you feeling pretty unwell.

It is because you are exposing yourself to 100s of new people and all their germs. If you do get it, follow the advice at the start of this article (point 1) – and don’t be afraid to contact your doctor if necessary.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) (bacteria and viruses)

When young people go to college, they often start leading an active sexual life. Youth, freedom, and a hormonal (and alcohol-driven!) cocktail in their blood evoke a desire to start close relationships. This healthy and normal.

However, many students turn a blind eye to the importance of safe sex. Hence young people in their 20s are most prone to get STDs since they neglect safety rules.

Some of the main ones to look out for are anything from herpes to chlamydia – or even HIV.

Deal with it. When it comes to any kind of sexual activity, you can minimise your risk of infection by using condoms every time. This is the only form of contraception that protects against STDs as well as pregnancy.

If you think you may have picked something up, or want to just make sure everything’s OK down there, visit your local sexual health clinic, or GP.

Remember, no matter what the illness is, you can visit the NHS website (and MyHSN!). And you can get quick advice when it’s not an emergency on NHS111.

Burns or scalds

If you or one of your housemates is unfortunate enough to burn or scold yourselves then the most important thing you can do is not panic. This is what you should do:

  • Run the burn or scalded area under cold water for 10 minutes or until the pain ceases (whichever is the longer)
  • If the skin is blistering apply a dry, clean loose dressing and take paracetamol for the pain (for up to 3 days)
  • If the skin is broken or the burnt/scolded area is larger that 5 inches in diameter, you should go rapidly to your local A&E department.


This type of injury is usually caused by damage to your ligaments and can be very painful. This pain is not going to go away over night, but these are some things that you can do to help. Just remember the acronym ‘RICE’:

  • REST = You should be resting the area that is hurting
  • ICE = Applying an ice pack (or more likely a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel) for up to 30 minutes can reduce pain and swelling
  • COMFORTABLE SUPPORT = This used to be ‘compression’ but studies found compression can actually do more harm than good. Instead, just try to make sure that your limb is comfortable and in a good position
  • ELEVATION = If you elevate the damaged limb there will be less further swelling.

You should be able to do gentle movement with your sprained limb within 72 hours. If you aren’t able to, then consult your doctor. If you need to go to hospital, a Minor Injury/Illness Unit (MIU) is ideal.


If you cut yourself it is important not to panic, you have to keep a clear head to be able to assess the situation. A little blood can go a long way. Here is what you should do:

  • Wash the cut with water
  • Put a clean dressing on it. This doesn’t need to be a plaster it can be something like a clean handkerchief. Then apply pressure to reduce the bleeding
  • Raise the injured area above the heart (you may need to lie down if its the leg), if the bleeding is moderate to severe and won’t stop
  • Once the bleeding has stopped put a clean dressing on the wound. Be careful not to peel off a scab as this can cause the bleeding to start again)
  • Go to hospital if the wound cannot be cleaned or the bleeding is uncontrollable, maintaining pressure on the wound.


It is relatively common for people to develop rashes. For example, if it affects your hands, this can be a mild reaction to something that you have come in contact to like a washing powder. Some people are more prone to rashes than others.

  • A mild antihistamine can be bought from the pharmacist to bring down the rash without a prescription
  • If the rash is itching a moisturising cream like E45 can help
  • Contact your doctor is the rash lasts more than 72 hours
  • Go to hospital if:
    • The rash doesn’t disappear when a glass is rolled over it and/or bad headache, neck stiffness or light hurting your eyes (see meningitis)
    • Or you have any mouth or tongue swelling, or difficulty breathing (suggesting possible severe allergy called ‘anaphylaxis’).

Here are 10 common contagious skin rashes. All can be passed from one student to another.

Nose bleeds

If you or someone you live with is having a nose bleed it can be tempting to follow the old wives tale of putting your head back. This is in fact the opposite to what you should be doing.

  • Sit upright over a bowl and pinch your nose just below the bone for 10 minutes
  • Avoid blowing your nose or having hot drinks for the next 24 hours if possible.
  • If this is unsuccessful and the bleeding doesn’t appear to stop after an hour, go to the hospital


We have gone through the 10 most common student health problems. The most important thing is that when you are sick you take it easy and try to feel better. Also always consult a doctor if your think that your condition may be serious. It is always better to be safe that sorry. And the NHS is here to help you. Never worry about troubling us.

Other resource

10 common contagious skin rashes
10 common student mental health problems