10 obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) facts

In this article, we will describe 10 facts about obstructive sleep apnoea.

1. Definition

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder characterised by repeated episodes of partial or complete obstruction of the upper airway during sleep, leading to disrupted breathing patterns.

Patient with OSA on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy at night.

2. Symptoms

One of the primary symptoms of OSA is loud snoring. Individuals with OSA often experience periods of silence followed by choking or gasping sounds as they try to breathe.

3. Sleep pattern

OSA can result in fragmented and poor-quality sleep, leading to excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue. People with OSA may struggle to stay awake or alert during the day, affecting their productivity and overall quality of life.

4. Obesity

OSA is commonly associated with obesity. Excess weight can contribute to the narrowing of the airway and increase the likelihood of obstruction during sleep.

5. Who gets it

The prevalence of OSA increases with age. Middle-aged and older individuals are more likely to develop the condition due to factors such as muscle tone loss and increased fat deposition in the neck area.

6. Diagnosis

If you suspect you or someone you know may have OSA, it is essential to see a doctor for assessment and and a diagnosis. A sleep study, typically conducted in a sleep laboratory or using home sleep testing devices, can help determine the presence and severity of OSA, guiding appropriate treatment options.

7. Complications

Untreated OSA can have serious health consequences. It is associated with an increased risk of hypertension, ischaemic heart disease (IHD), stroke, type 2 diabetes, and other medical conditions.

8. Treatment

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a common treatment for OSA. It involves wearing a mask over the nose or mouth during sleep, which delivers a continuous flow of pressurised air to keep the airway open.

9. Lifestyle changes

Weight loss, regular exercise, and avoiding alcohol and sedatives, can help reduce the severity of OSA symptoms. In some cases, these changes may even eliminate the need for more invasive treatments.

10. Relationships

OSA can have a significant impact on relationships and the overall quality of life for both the individual with the condition and their bed partner. The loud snoring and frequent awakenings can lead to sleep disruptions and strain on personal relationships.


We have described 10 OSA (obstructive sleep apnoea) facts. We hope it has been helpful.