5 questions to ask a doctor

These 5 questions to ask a doctor will help you make better decisions about a proposed test/procedure/operation/treatment:

1. What are the benefits?

Make sure you understand the benefits to your health if you agree to it

2. What are the risks?

You should be fully informed about the effects of this decision, both short and long term. Take time to consider how you will manage if things do not go as planned

3. Are there any alternatives?

Ensure you are aware of all the options, so you can decide if a different option suits you better

4. What happens if I do nothing? 

Remember that just because treatment is available, it doesn’t mean it has to be done, or is right for you. It may be better to do nothing. Time is the best healer.

5. Would you have the proposed treatment? 

If there is a pause before they answer, it probably means ‘no’.


We have described 5 questions to ask a doctor. Make sure you fully understand the impact on your health if you do nothing and the effect of time on your condition.