5 ways to make your New Year fitness resolution stick

To help you get your year going, here are MyHSN’s 5 Top Tips to make your NY fitness resolution stick ..

1. Set achievable goals

Do not run before you can walk. Literally.

It is all very well vowing to ‘get fit’ but that isn’t very quantifiable. So, instead, take it slowly. By all means have an ultimate goal. But make it realistic and break it down into smaller, achievable targets. Saying you will lose 2 stone by the end of January is just not doable, but 1 stone might be.

How to phrase these goals? Rather than being negative starting with ‘don’t’ or ‘stop’, use ‘do’. For example, ‘do eat one extra portion of fruit you like every day’ is more positive than ‘stop eating crisps every day’.

And focus on getting better rather than getting perfect.

2. Have a plan

Taking the time to think this through will save you much stress later – and could keep you going when things get tough.

A plan gets you to look at your own schedule in a detailed way. It enables you to set aside specific time in your week to accomplish your goal.

It also adds an element of pressure that means you are less inclined to simply drop it.

3. Do something you enjoy

Be creative! If you hate running, don’t do it (i.e. pick it as your main form of exercise). Why would you stay motivated to do something you despise? What about rapid walking, swimming, cycling or classes at the gym?

Open your mind to different possibilities and ‘try before you buy’. You don’t have to have your long-term fitness plan fixed by the end of 1 January 2023. Try a couple of new things in January.

Take your time, find the right one, and have a go.

4. Team up with a pal 

Willpower can only take you so far. And for some of us, it’s not very far from the sofa, the fridge and the TV remote.

Having a companion on your journey, can keep you going, even when you really don’t feel like it.

January is a tough time to kick off a fitness regime as even the strongest determination can crumple in the face of cold weather and early darkness. So get a buddy on board!

5. Stick on an energising music playlist

Of course for many, exercise does not get very far without the right music to accompany it.

Music can help when exercising, as “Music distracts people from pain and fatigue, elevates mood, increases endurance, reduces perceived effort and may even promote metabolic efficiency”.

If you are not that into music, you can look at videos, listen to podcasts, whatever.

Bonus Top Tip

Integrate exercise into your daily routine without compartmentalising it. E.g. why not stand on one leg whilst brushing your teeth, or do some calf raises when on a phone call? Really!


We have described 5 ways to make your New Year fitness resolution stick. We hope it has helped you. You can do it!

Other resources
MyHSN has related articles.
GPs can prescribe exercise (blog)
Calories to eat per day
Calories per day to lose weight
How to lose weight

This article is derived from a similar longer one on the BBC and was part written by Scarlett from Red Rehabilitation.