All about periods (normal menstruation)
- Menstruation is a woman’s normal periodic vaginal bleeding – occurring every 23-35 days (average 28 days)
- A period lasts 2-7 days (typically 5 days), with heaviest bleeding during the first 2 days.
Menstrual volume
Menarche (start of periods)
Typically begins around age 12
Delayed onset usually not concerning
Most girls establish regular cycles by 16-18 years.
Sanitary products
Sanitary Pads: Absorbent strips with adhesive backing
Tampons: Cotton wool tubes inserted vaginally
Period Underwear: Absorbent, reusable pants
Tampon safety
Correct insertion essential
Cannot get lost inside the body
Risks: forgotten tampons, toxic shock syndrome (rare)
Menopause (end of periods)
Average UK onset: 51 years
Gradual decrease in frequency before cessation
Perimenopause: transitional phase preceding menopause.
We have described all about periods, focusing on normal menstruation. We hope it has been helpful.