Are King Charles’ sausage fingers due to dactylitis (psoriasis-related)?

The cause of King Charles’ sausage fingers (and toes) have been much debated. Could they due to dactylitis, and psoriasis-related?

So, are King Charles’ sausage fingers due to dactylitis (psoriasis-related)?

Yes. Well, MyHSN thinks dactylitis is the most likely diagnosis. This is most commonly associated with psoriatic arthritis. But it can be associated with all of the spondyloarthropathies. These include:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease-related polyarthritis
  • Reactive arthritis
  • Reiters Syndrome.

Dactylitis must be distinguished from other causes of joint swelling. Dactylitis is the swelling of an entire digit – finger or toe – rather than just part (e.g. a joint) of a finger or toe.

Usually, the affected digit is most swollen in the middle and less swollen at the ends, giving it cigar-shaped appearance.

If King Charles does have psoriasis, he is in famous company. Kim Kardashian has psoriasis.


We have explained are King Charles’ sausage fingers due to dactylitis (psoriasis-related). But. What is your diagnosis or differential diagnosis?