Best UK universities for medicine in 2024 – league table

We all want to think we went to (or are at, or want to go) the ‘best’ medical school. But there is no one agreed way of making that judgement. There is also no one agreed league table. There are multiple league tables, including the Guardian one below.

How much you enjoyed (or enjoy, or will enjoy) – or benefit from – your medical school, depends on so many factors, not just how ‘good’ is the medical school/university. It may relate to the friends you make, the partner you find, your enjoyment or success in drama, music, or sport – the rugby or hockey pitch.

But we need some data. And below is the Guardian’s latest medical school league table in the UK (published on 7th September 2024).

What can we conclude? Oxbridge is still ‘up there’. The Scottish medical schools are all in the top third. Of the newer medical schools, Hull-York seems to be one to look at.

What else? There does seem to be a relationship between how much money is spent on each student, good teaching, and where that medical school is in the table. But staff-to-student ratio seems to be of little importance.

2025 Institution Guardian score/100 Satisfied with teaching Satisfied with feedback Student to staff ratio Spend per student/10 Average entry tariff
1  Aberdeen 100 94.1 77.1 7.5 3 244
2  Oxford 96 96.7 81.7 10.4 10 205
3  Imperial College 90.3 88.4 83.7 7.6 8 193
4  Cambridge 87.4 82.1 68.7 7.8 10 213
5  Hull York Medical School 85.8 88.8 78.9 6.1 9 167
6  Edinburgh 85.7 86.4 66 8.6 9 240
7  St Andrews 82 94.5 75.7 12.6 4 216
8  Keele 80.4 90.7 73.8 7.5 3 174
9  Bristol 77.3 89.6 79.5 9.5 6 189
10  Leicester 77.2 94.8 83.1 10.4 5 168
11  UCL 75.6 85.7 68.9 7.8 5 190
12  Dundee 74.1 90.6 65.3 11 4 250
13  Glasgow 71.7 85.1 66.4 10.5 3 245
14  Newcastle 70 90.2 68.2 8.7 8 180
15  Cardiff 68.5 86.9 73.3 9.8 7 191
16  Swansea 68.1 82.5 62.7 9 5 n/a
17  Leeds 67.8 89.2 68.4 9.1 4 175
18  Sunderland 67.2 n/a n/a 9.1 6 168
19  Queen’s, Belfast 66.4 89.6 76.8 11.5 3 193
20  Brighton Sussex Medical School 66.4 89 70.7 10.9 8 175
21  Warwick 64 85.9 79.2 9.7 5 144
22  Southampton 62.5 83.7 67.1 8.8 5 169
23  UEA 61.9 85.6 59.7 7.8 4 170
24  Queen Mary 61.5 84.2 68.1 10.6 5 187
25  Exeter 60.7 87.3 71.7 10.2 4 168
26  Manchester 58.4 81.7 68.7 10.1 5 176
27  Liverpool 57.2 79.5 55.3 8.4 7 171
28  Lancaster 55.6 92.4 78.5 13.6 3 175
29  King’s College London 53.2 80.4 61.1 11.3 7 181
30  Anglia Ruskin 52.5 82 77.4 n/a 2 162
30  Sheffield 52.5 82.2 67.7 11.4 4 179
32  Birmingham 51.3 83.6 61 9.7 3 172
33  St George’s 49.2 81.9 65.6 12.2 4 177
34  Plymouth 42 78.2 54.2 11.4 4 170
35  Central Lancashire 40.4 87.8 73.3 13.4 3 151
36  Nottingham 37.1 78 46.8 10.7 4 167
37  Buckingham 34.9 79.6 57.8 n/a n/a 147
38  Aston 33.1 83.3 61.9 14.2 4 162


We have provided a simplified Guardian league table for the best UK medical schools in 2024. We hope it has been helpful.

Other resource

This is another accepted league table: complete university guide table – medicine 2025. You may want to cross-check the two tables. You will see, again, Oxbridge and the Scottish medical schools score highly.