Can pharmacists do medication reviews?

Yes, very much so. In fact, if you are taking more than three different medications, it’s a good idea to have a medication review every year from a pharmacist.

You do not always need a GP appointment for a medication review, and it’s not classed as an urgent issue.

Most GP practices now have access to clinical pharmacists, who are based in the surgery.

Appointments can be booked in advance and there is no need to see them face-to-face. They can talk to you over the phone about any concerns, or any changes that may be required.

If further action is required before a medication change, they can advise and even book an appointment with a doctor for you.

In the future, your clinical pharmacist may also be responsible for your long term reviews for asthma or COPD.


We have answered the question can pharmacists do medication reviews? Yes, very much so. We hope it has been helpful.