Do I need to know my NHS number to register at a GPs?

No. It helps, but .. no.

Your NHS number helps with the registration process. However, you do not need your NHS number to register with a GP practice.

For more information about the NHS number visit the NHS website.

What is an NHS number?
An NHS number is a 10-digit number, like 485 777 3456.

Your NHS number is unique to you. It is given to you at birth, if you are born in the UK. It helps healthcare staff and service providers identify you correctly and match your details to your health records.

If you have an NHS number, it does not mean you’re automatically entitled to the free use of all NHS services.

In England, you usually have to pay towards some NHS services (prescriptions, dentist, optician, podiatry etc).

You do not need your NHS number to use NHS services.

How to find your NHS number

You can find your NHS number in any documents or letters sent to you by the NHS, such as your:

  • Prescriptions
  • Test results
  • Hospital referral letters
  • Appointment letters
  • Online. You can find your NHS number online by using the Find your NHS number service.

You can also find it by logging in to:

  • The (very good) NHS App (you’ll need to register if you have not used it before)
  • Some GP online services
  • You can call your GP surgery and ask them for your NHS number.

You may need to prove your identity over the phone or visit your GP surgery with proof of identity.

Medical cards

Medical cards with your NHS number are no longer sent out in England.

If you had one and you lost it, you do not need a replacement.