They should. But they often do not.
Why not? They forget (you can remind them!) or its not easy to communicate as hospital, GP and pharmacy computers are not usually linked. Depending on where you live in the UK, there may be partial links. So you may need to be that link, and inform your GP.
This is especially important if it is a long term tablet – i.e. you will need a re-supply from your GP and pharmacist.
Again, they should. But they often do not.
So, again you may have to be the link, and tell your hospital consultant or specialist nurse.
Whatever. It’s a good idea to take your tablets with you if you see a doctor, or have list in paper form or saved on your phone. This applies to face-to-face and virtual appointments.
We have answered the question ‘does the hospital tell my GP if they start (or change the dose of) a tablet? – or vice versa’. They should but don’t always. So .. check, check, check. We hope that has been helpful.