How can I speed up labour when I’m in labour?

One of the questions that midwives get asked the most is “how can I make my labour go faster?”

Every labour is different, however if you are worried about a long labour there are some safe ways to naturally aid progress. For more information about the stages of labour and how long they normally take, first see our page on the stages of labour here

1.  Stay Hydrated

Keeping hydrated can help boost your energy levels, helps your muscles to work more effectively, reduces sickness and constipation and makes you feel better overall. Some studies suggest this helps to reduce labour times.

2. Eat little and often to keep up energy

It is important to keep your blood sugar levels stable and your energy up in labour. Every stage of labour takes a lot of physical energy and has been shown to slow down with low energy levels. Eating a big meal in labour may make you sick so snacking or eating little amounts often can help avoid this.

It can be a good idea to bring something sugary to suck on like sweets or chocolate to keep energy levels up if you are sick or have no appetite in labour

3. Keep active 

Upright, active positions in labour are known to help progress. Whether you’re in the hospital or at home there is plenty of positions you can try. Ask your midwife for suggestions or equipment that might help you.

4. Turn off the lights

Bright lights in labour have been shown to release stress hormones which can slow down labour. Try setting up your birthing space, even if this is in hospital, with some some LED candles, fairy lights or even star/space projectors

5. Empty your bladder

A full bladder at any stage of labour can stop baby’s heading coming down into the pelvis, or cause injury to you, so it’s very important to use the toilet in labour. This should be as often as you feel the urge, and at least once every 4 hours.

Also, the movement of walking to and sitting on the toilet can also help open the pelvis to help babys head come down.

6. Get the oxytocin flowing 

Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, is what your body naturally releases to give you contractions. Its also released when you feel happy or in love and higher levels of oxytocin have been shown to result in better progress in labour.

So what can boost your natural oxytocin levels? Well, anything that makes you feel happy, relaxed or in love. Perhaps put on a favourite movie in the background, or something that always makes you laugh. Try cuddles, massages and kisses from your partner.

Spray a favourite perfume or scent in the room. Put on some music you love and dance/sway to the beat. Maybe a warm bath/water, some relaxing music and breathing techniques that you can download on to your phone. Whatever works best for you.


We have described how can I make my labour go faster. We hope it has been useful.

Labour and birth positions image credit Catie Atkinson