How can you get a message to your GP or hospital consultant?
It isn’t always easy [“sorry” MyHSN Ed].
Continuity (seeing the same doctor) is vital to good healthcare. Doctors like it too. Part of that is being able to contact the same doctor between visits, and seeing the same doctor next time. But it is not always easy to get through your GP or hospital consultant. Nonetheless, this article will guide you know to do it.
And remember, to be frank, .. you pay their salaries through your hard work, and taxes. It is your NHS.
So these are some questions you should ask:
- ‘What is the best way to contact you between visits?’ ‘
- How do I contact you in an emergency? Some doctors find such questions threatening. So you can always add nice statements like ‘I am so pleased you are my doctor, and grateful for all that you have done for me, or my family’.
Some doctors do not like direct contact with their patients between visits. This is partly as they are worried there will be no record of that contact in your notes (though they can add ‘ad hoc’ notes quite easily).
Nonetheless, you may need to contact them. So you should. Your condition may have changed, or you may be getting side-effects of their latest treatment.
So we suggest you also ask other questions like ..
- ‘Can I email my questions to you, your secretary or admin staff?’ GPs will normally have an ‘admin email address on their website)
- ‘What is the GP practice’s phone number and email address I should use?’
- ‘Who do I contact with decision-making capabilities, if you are away?’
- ‘What do I do if no one replies, both by phone and email?’
- (If hospital consultant) ‘Do you have a specialist nurse I can contact and what is her/his number?’
- (If hospital consultant) ‘Who is your secretary and what is her/his number and email address?’
The Trick
3 Ps = be persistent, patient and polite
How do they contact you back? It takes two to tango
So you have got a message through to the doctor. How do they contact you back? Are you making it easy? They may be very busy with no time to contact you again if you don’t pick up or the answerphone is on. So here are a few top tips:
- Keep your address, landline and mobile uptodate on the GPs and hospitals computer system. No, they are not connected
- If you have a timed virtual (telephone) appointment make sure you are ready for the call – phone not busy, and on with good reception
- Check your emails – the GP admin email may contacts you back
- GPs can now text you through something called Accuryx. Don’t ignore such messages.
- Open your paper letters. It may be important NHS information (e.g. screening tests like a mammogram, cervical smear or faecal blood testing).
We have described how you can get a message to your GP or hospital consultant. Yes you can, but it isn’t always easy. Be persistent, patient and polite. We have given you some guidance on how to do it.
Top Tip
An occasional nice card, or mini-gift, may help the long-term relationship. Doctors are not allowed to accept money. They are well paid.