How do I check up on a NHS referral?

Usually you can assume that if a GP says you are being referred to a hospital this has happened and the appointment will happen in a timely fashion. But not always. Admin errors happen, and some consultants have long waiting lists to see them.

The government’s target for the time period from GP referral to first treatment is under 18 weeks (ie about 4 months). Some hospital departments get no where near this target.

So. We suggest you do not to assume that because you think you have been referred by your GP to a hospital consultant (or other service) that it has happened.

Find out the name of the person (or service) you have been referred to, and check that that has happened. You can do that my ringing the consultant’s secretary.

Also, do not assume that if you have been referred, that it is going to be in a timely fashion; or that if you are on a waiting list, you are still on it.

Check, check, check. Again, you can do this by ringing the consultant’s secretary or ringing the hospitals e-referral department.

If you are not happy, or concerned, contact the hospitals PALS Department, and they will help you chase things up.