How do I compliment a GP or hospital consultant?

There are lots of ways of doing this. And yes, we really like it.

So. How do I compliment a GP or hospital team?

If you are happy with the care and treatment we have given, we would be very pleased to hear from you. NHS staff work extremely hard to give you the best possible care and greatly value your support and encouragement.

You can comment on the service directly to the staff member (or team), by writing to them on the ward (or clinic) where you have been looked after.

Or you can write to the Chief Executive (boss boss) of the hospital, or ‘senior partner’ (doctor) at the general practice. If you are really happy, you can do both, i.e. thank the staff member/team directly and the chiefs.

This can be a letter or email. Cards are popular too, as they can brighten up a work setting.  GP surgeries also appreciate Google and NHS choices reviews.

We prefer not to be given money. If that is done, it will be put in a ward fund often used for equipment, or whatever you specify. Chocolates and cards are a very common gift we often see, and these are always given to the whole team to share.

You should never feel pressured to give a gift to a doctor or a team. We are paid salaries that reward us for the work we do! This being said, no team would likely ever reject a small token of your appreciation for the care you have been given, and it is always appreciated.  Just saying thank you is often enough.

Your views can make a positive difference.


We have described for a GP or hospital consultant (and their teams) .. how do I compliment them? We hope it has been helpful.