How do I prepare to go to A&E?

Be prepared – and you will get a better assessment. Before you go, think about being prepared for what might happen when you get there.

Here are some tips:

  • Transport –  ask a family member or friend to take you, or go by taxi. Do not drive yourself.
    NB. Only call an ambulance if you are very, very unwell, and there is absolutely no other way of getting there
  • Information – take a copy of your medical record, drug allergies, list of tablets, NHS and hospital number.
  • Clothing – wear loose clothes, as you are likely to be examined.
  • Small Bag? – if you think you may be admitted and stay overnight, take a small bag – to include:
    • Mobile phone (and charger) and credit card
    • Nightwear, change of clothes, and underwear
    • Washbag
    • Sandals or slippers
    • Something to read. You will wait at various stages in the process. Even if you go home (90% do), the whole assessment often take 4 hours or more.

There are better and less good times to arrive. Around 6-7am is best.