How does a GP or hospital consultant contact you back?

So you have got a message through to the doctor. How do they contact you back? It is your responsibility to make it easy for them. It takes two to tango.

Are you making it easy? They may be very busy with no time to contact you again if you don’t pick up or the answerphone is on. So here are a few top tips:

  1. Keep your address, landline and mobile uptodate on the GPs and hospitals computer system. No, they are not connected
  2. If you have a timed virtual (telephone) appointment make sure you are ready for the call – phone not busy, and on with good reception
  3. Check your emails – the GP admin email may contacts you back
  4. GPs can now text you through something called Accuryx. Don’t ignore such messages.
  5. Open your paper letters. It may be important NHS information (e.g. screening tests like a mammogram, cervical smear or faecal blood testing).


We have described how does a GP or hospital consultant contact you back. You need to make it easy for them. We hope it has been helpful.