How many managers does the NHS need?

150,000, i.e. 110,000 more. How many does it have? 39,800.

In February 2024, of 1.5m NHS employees, there were approximately 39,800 NHS managers (Kings Fund, 2024), which is therefore around 2.65% of the workforce.

This compares to, as the same time, 140,700 doctors and 377,600 nursing staff (including midwives and health visitors).

If 10% of the NHS were managers (like most organisations), there would be 150,000 not 39,800. Therefore the NHS needs 110,000 more managers to function well. If this means less doctors, nurses and AHPs, so be it.

Are there too many managers in the NHS?

No. This is a widely held myth.

There is little evidence the NHS has too many managers, and many (including MyHSN) thinks the NHS is actually undermanaged.

All large organisations need management to organise them, and keep the organisation focused on the primary task – i.e. for the NHS, the health of 67m people in the UK.

Recent research by Institute for Public Policy Research suggested that the healthcare sector is under-managed, and this increases the burden of bureaucracy that falls on frontline professionals. They also found clinical staff needed managers to do the ‘managing’, freeing them up to do the ‘caring’. 

Comparison to other large organisations

As stated above NHS managers make up 2.65% of the workforce (in 2023) compared to 9.5 cent of the general UK workforce in 2017.

In larger organisations – e.g. a JLR or Marks and Spencer – management may be over 10% of the workforce.

What are NHS managers paid?

The average salary for an NHS manager in the UK is around £39,441 per year, which is the national average. However, salaries can vary depending on the role and level of management.

This compares to the approximate £120,000 salary of a senior hospital consultant. Actually they can be paid alot more with bonuses, and private practice. Over £250,000 is not unusual.

There is an NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme. Its starting salary is £27,701 per year, which increases to £29,832 after 12 months. Graduates also receive a study package and NHS pension.


How many managers does the NHS need? 150,000. It has 39,800. Not nearly enough. Also they are not paid well at all.

If the NHS had more (and better paid) managers, productivity would be likely to improve – especially if NHS managers were paid productivity bonuses (like doctors).