How to be a good doctor 

The primary role of a doctor is to make the correct diagnosis, and care for the patient. To be good at making diagnoses you need to be a good doctor.

To do that you need to learn (and be good at) KRED, i.e. combine kindness, with rational and empirical thinking ability (two philosophical approaches), and determination. Essentially that means combining:

  • Kindness – be kind and caring at all times. Full stop. You will often find the NHS frustrating. Don’t take that out on the patient. It’s your job to get around those barriers on behalf of the patient. Be patient with the elderly – give them time, don’t interrupt, be patient
  • Rationalism (logical reasoning) – combined with experience. What is the most likely diagnosis based on initial information and data?
  • Empiricism (lateral thought) – try to remove bias, and ask yourself what might be an alternative diagnosis
  • Determination – combine that with hard work, honesty, careful listening, good knowledge and clinical skills, reliability and humility.

Note. The above is not easy. You will start (start) to be a good doctor at least 5 years after you qualify. Sorry, its a long wait. Most doctors peak aged 45-60 years. Yes, another long wait.

What does determination mean as applied to medicine?

Alot of things. Number one = FTJ (finish the job). It is your job to chase that test or referral. See medicine as a vocation not a job. Go home when your jobs are done. Then you will not fight it, and you can allow it to be a strength in your life.

It is not a competition

Ask yourself, if you are not sure, do I need to ‘phone a friend’, i.e. consult a colleague? All good doctors will come to your aid if you ask them. Just ask them. Getting a second opinion for a patient is a good thing, that you can be proud of. All questions are good questions.

Kindness and trustworthiness

This is not nebulous, fluffy nonsense. You need alot of both to be a good doctor.

If you are not kind to the patient, they will not trust you and you will get nowhere.

Trust is a must


We have described how to be a good doctor. We hope it has been helpful.

Other resource

7 skills of a good doctor (longer article)