How to choose right type of mental health practitioner – a basic guide

This is our basic guide:

  • Therapist/counsellor (including NHS IAPTs = NHS therapist/counsellor) – mild mental health problem, e.g. mild depression or anxiety; or ‘life problems’
  • Psychologist (not often on NHS) – when you want to know why you have a problem, and therefore how it can be sorted. And may need long-term care
  • Psychiatrist (can be on NHS) – major mental health problem, including severe depression or psychosis
  • Specialist therapist – for specific issues, e.g. PTSD, autism etc.

Top tip. You can often self-refer to IAPTs, and not go through your GP. Google IAPT and your local area.

Other resource

What is an NHS IAPT (talking therapist)?