How to eat 2000 calories a day or less
If you want to lose weight, most humans have to eat 2000 calories a day or less. Every day. So here are key principles for eating 2000 calories or less.
Macronutrient balance
Carbohydrates: 45-65% of daily calories
Protein: 15-20% of daily calories
Fat: 20-35% of daily calories.
Calorie control
Know calorie content: Know calorie content if food that you are about to eat
Calorie counting: Track daily calorie intake
Eat slowly: Stop when 80% satisfied, not full.
Nutrient-dense foods
Vegetables: Aim for 5 servings
Fruit: Aim for 2-3 servings
Whole grains: Choose whole grains over refined grains
Lean protein: Focus on chicken, fish, and plant-based sources
Healthy fats: Nuts, seeds, avocado, and olive oil.
Meal frequency and timing
Food choices to limit
Processed meats: Limit sausages, bacon, and processed snacks
Added sugars: Minimal sugary drinks (diet drinks are better), smoothies, fruit juice, desserts, cakes and biscuits
Chocolate and sweets: No way. Ok, the occasional piece of dark chocolate.
Monitoring progress
Top Tips for successful weight loss