How to get the best out of a GP appointment?

Here are some top tips on how to get the best out of a GP appointment.

Before your appointment

Is your issue urgent?
Is it essential you are seen quickly, or would you rather wait for an appointment with a particular GP? If you have a long-term illness, would you benefit from seeing a GP who knows your history personally?

Do you have lots to discuss?
If you have several issues that you need to discuss with your GP, try to book a ‘double appointment’ to give you more time. This will give you 20 minutes, not the standard 10 minutes.

Are you worried you won’t remember all the key points? 
Before you see your GP, think about what you want to say. You can always write down your symptoms, worries and any questions that you would like to ask, so you do not forget.

Know up-to-date information about yourself
For example look up blood tests (e.g. kidney function in CKD) done recently on yourself. You can use PKB website for that

Do you need support?
If you are struggling, ask a partner, relative or friend to accompany you for support. They can help you understand what the doctor says or explain your issues.

Could the practice nurse deal with your problem?
Alternatively, a practice nurse might be able to deal with your concern, and have more appointments available. The surgery may also run special clinics such as asthma, CKD, high blood pressure, epilpesy, and diabetes support, so make sure you find out.

During your appointment

You can have a better GP appointment with a bit of planning

Do you know what medication you take?
Take a list of any medication you take, including over-the-counter, alternative medicines or anything prescribed after a hospital visit. This includes tablets, liquids or creams.

What is the most important thing to discuss?
Make sure you tell the doctor about the important things first and try to get to the point. Do not feel you have to justify being there or leave your concern to the end.

Do you fully understand the doctor’s plan?
Make sure you fully understand what your doctor says before you leave the room. Do not be afraid to ask your GP to go through the plan again if you’re confused.

Do you know who to contact if you have more questions?
You may think of questions that you would like to ask after your appointment. Find out who you can contact to ask questions, and how to contact them –  as well as any support groups that can provide reliable information.

After your appointment

What to do?
Write down the name of who you have spoken to, and what was their diagnosis and plan. Write down how you can contact them again if you need to. Continuity is vital. Do what you can to enact their plan.

Concerned about remembering all the facts?
Make notes on the information the doctor has given you so that you can refer to them over the coming weeks, including any actions you need to take, such as booking a further test.

Are you unhappy with the treatment you received?
If you are not happy, you can ask to see another GP, maybe one that knows you better. You can also change GP practices, but you should, as a first step, always discuss your concerns with a practice staff member first.

Remember if you have access to a smart phone then you can download the NHS app, which allows you to view your medical records as well as booking future appointments – and you can order repeat prescriptions.


We have described how to get the best out of a GP appointment. We hope it has helped you.