How to prepare for a hospital appointment (5 things to do)

In this article, we will describe how to prepare for a hospital appointment, with 5 things to do.

  1. Bring your medical record (especially drug list)

    Bring along any previous letters and lists of your medication and allergies.

    Do not assume that the doctor will know all of this from your GP –
    computer systems don’t link up between hospitals, GP practices and pharmacies

  2. Wear loose clothes

    In case you need to be examined

  3. Plan your route

    It may better to take public transport or a taxi. Hospital parking can be difficult and expensive

  4. Be on time

    Get there at least 15 minutes early. Clinics rarely run on time, but they might on the day of your appointment!

  5. Plan your next appointment

    Ask for the first or last appointment of the day, when you are most likely to be seen on time.

Some other top tips

It is often better to wait a longer to see the consultant or registrar rather than a junior doctor. Find out more here.

Read the appointment letter. Please follow any specific instructions you have been given by your hospital department. They will be on the letter about the appointment. Bring the letter.

Symptoms. Write down details of your symptoms, including when they started and what makes them better or worse.

Questions. Think about the questions that you would like to ask and bring something to your appointment to write on. Write down your two or three most important questions.

Medicines. List or bring all of your medicines and pills – including non-prescription medications.

Company. Consider asking a friend or family member to come with you. Two brains will remember more!

.. finally, you could be in for a long wait, so bring a book or magazine!


We have described how to prepare for a hospital appointment (5 things to do). If you prepare well, you will get a lot more out of the appointment.