In bed think about three good things that happened today

Three Good Things (TGT) is a Positive Psychology intervention that involves you reflecting on the good things that happened to you during the day.

When you have had a tough day at work, college or at home, it is easy to focus on and ruminate about what went less well today – e.g. a row with a colleague, a difficult conversation with a child (or parent!), or being stuck in traffic.

So, don’t! When in bed, think about what went well for you today, and why these things went well.

You may need to write them down before bed, or just remember them.

The items can be small, everyday events or more important milestones, e.g.

  • “My partner made me tea or coffee twice today”
  • “My grandparents were happy when I brought them groceries”
  • “I got a promotion or pay rise”
  • “I got a compliment at work”. 

Note. Talking of compliments, try to give someone a compliment at work, college or home, every day.

Here are a few examples of how it might pan out over the week.

Three Good Things | Mission Remission