First of all .. no. The term ‘normal’ is perceptual and subjective, and may mean something different depending on the context of the situation. A person may use the word ‘normal’ when referring to the majority. For example, a person might be considered ‘ normal’ by others if they listen to a certain genre of music that most people in that area listen to.
Conversely, a person may not be considered ‘normal’ if they speak in a way that is different from what most people speak like in a certain area. Whilst many use the term ‘normal’ to categorise someone, something, or an act of behaviour, ‘normal’ does not really exist.
Doctors use the term ‘normal’ to help patients feel calm about symptoms or side effects they may be experiencing, and to let them know that many others feel the same way. For example, they may say,
the symptoms you are getting are normal for this illness,
and we can help you with them”.
But ‘normal’ has also been used to define people – which can certainly exclude others.
Every person as their own unique set of circumstances, attitudes, values, and beliefs – what may be considered normal or typical for some may be viewed as absurd by others. For some who suffer from an addiction or mental illness, ‘normal’ may mean people who do not suffer from one of these.
However mental illnesses and addictions can very often be hidden to others, so it may seem as though someone doesn’t suffer from mental illness, this could be a misconstrued perception.
Also when we utilise the term ‘normal’, we often set ourselves up for failure and discourage others. Everyone wants to feel included and a part of society. If we use ‘normal’ as a deciding factor to determine whether someone should be included or not, we neglect the fact that we all have maladies, quirks, unique characteristics, annoyances, griefs, and more.
We neglect the complex nature that comes with being human – the various ideas, perceptions, and differences that make each of us meaningful in our own way. And we can all relate to that.
So, we need to think before we use phrases like ‘normal’, or ‘normal human/person’. One man/woman’s normality can be very different from your own. So think about the patient from their perception and reality (and idea of what is normal) .. not yours. However.
Now .. yes. Even though the patients perception is very important, if it is plain wrong, you need to correct them. A doctor should not collude with a patient’s false perception (like a delusion or hallucination). That can make those thoughts worse, and disturb the patient more.