Questions to ask a doctor on a ward round

When you are in hospital, the doctors and nurses will visit you most days on a ‘ward round’.

This usually occurs in the morning. Ask any question you have on the ward round.

It may all seem quite rushed. Try to slow it down.

These are the 5 best questions to ask a doctor on a ward round.

  1. Names. “What is your name, who are you, and what is my consultant’s name? Write it down 
  2. Diagnosis. “What is my diagnosis?” Write it down 
  3. Explain. Please explain that diagnosis to me in simple words
  4. Plan. “What is the plan? Write it down 
  5. Home (including discharge). “When I am going to go home, and what has to happen for me to get home?” Write it down

Also ..“How can I do to help you make that happen?”

“How can I or my family contact you later?”

If you do not understand something, ask the nurses to get the doctors back after the ward round to explain it further.


We have described the 5 best questions to ask a doctor on a ward round. We hope it has helped you.

Other resources

These are some other good questions from NHS England’s website.
This is video for doctors and nurses. You may find it helpful too.