Questions to ask a hospital consultant’s secretary

Hospital consultants have a secretary to help them organise their work. They are very important and it’s worth getting to know them and be very nice to them. This is how you will get things done.

If you have a health problem, and have been seen by a hospital consultant, these are 5 key questions to your consultants secretary.

1. What’s the exact name – of my health problem (doctors call this the diagnosis)

2. Can you explain – it to me in simple words please? I didn’t really understand it when I saw the consultant

3. What medicine or operation – did he/she want me to have?

4. Am I on a waiting list for a operation or procedure?

If so, how long do you think I will wait? If there is a cancellation, please contact me as I’m willing to have it at short notice

Oh yes, would you want him to operate on you or your family? If there is a pause, consider a second opinion

5. What is your name? Can you spell it and give me your number and email address please.

Oh yes, what type of chocolates or wine do you like? Gentle bribery can be useful!

Make sure you have the answers when you stop speaking to them.


We have described questions to ask a hospital consultants secretary. We hope it has been helpful.