Should I chase up my doctor? (yes)

Yes, yes and yes. [“OK, we have got it” CKDEx Ed.]

[“OK OK, yes, we HAVE got it, thankyou” CKDEx Ed.]

Here are some examples of things you should chase:

  • If you’re waiting for an appointment, double check that it is booked
  • If you’re on a waiting list for an operation or procedure, ask how long you will wait for
  • Check once a month you are still on the list, and volunteer to take any cancellation slot at short notice
  • If you are waiting for the result of a blood test, x-ray, ultrasound or CT – chase it if no one contacts you within a week.

You can ask your consultant’s secretary, the hospital e-booking department, or GP receptionist or practice nurse to check.

At some GPs, patients are expected to call back in a week for test results. Many people assume that if they haven’t been contacted there is nothing to worry about. This is not true – it doesn’t mean that the results are clear, just that they are not urgent. Always ring back.

In short, never assume that no news is good news, or that things are happening behind the scenes.

Check, check and check again. This is one of the simplest, but most important pieces of advice on this website.