The NHS in 10 numbers today

These are stats about the NHS in either 2022/23 or 2023/24 (most data is for England):

  1. £182 million in cost = spending of Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC)
  2. 11.3% of GDP (your taxes) on health – slightly more than comparable countries
  3. 1.5 million staff – accounting for 45.6% of the NHS budget
  4. 377,600 nurses (including midwives and health visitors); 140,700 doctors; and 39,800 managers (2.65% of workforce, i.e. NHS is under-managed)
  5. £56 for a GP appointment); £91 (A&E visit); £417 (ambulance trip, and admission); £14,547 (CABG heart operation)
  6. 7 regions, with 42 Integrated Care Systems (ICSs; sub-regional commissioning groups; 3-11 each) – ICSs are the main purchasers of NHS care. Each ICS covers about 1-2 million people (‘county-sized’)
  7. 215 hospital groups (called ‘trusts’; including 10 ambulance trusts)
  8. 141,903 beds – and falling
  9. 16.5 million A&E attendances and 4.7 million admissions – and rising; 8.6 million elective admissions (operations and procedures) – and rising
  10. 353 million GP appointments = about 5 appointments per person per year.

Other resource

10 interesting facts about the NHS (longer version of this article)
How good is the NHS?