What are normal blood glucose and HbA1c levels?

What is a normal blood glucose?
Normal blood glucose = 4-6 mmol/L – and less than 8 mmol/L, two hours after a meal.
Blood glucose in prediabetes and diabetes
- Prediabetes is diagnosed if your random blood glucose = 7-11 mmol/L
- Diabetes is diagnosed if you have a random blood glucose > 11 mmol/L (or a fasting blood glucose > 7 mmol/L)
What is a normal HBA1c (haemoglobin A1c)?
Normal HbA1c = 20-42 mmol/mol (or 4-6%).
HbA1c in prediabetes and diabetes
- Prediabetes is diagnosed if your HbA1c = 42-47 mmol/mol (6-6.5%)
- Diabetes is diagnosed if your HbA1c > 47 mmol/mol or over (>6.5%).