What do they do at 6 week baby check?

There are two different types of postnatal check. Both are between 6-8 weeks after your baby is born. This is why they are often simply called ‘the 6 week checks’.  

They are both done with your GP, and the GP will send you an appointment for them. However you can contact your GP with any concerns before this, or request further appointments. 

The two 6 week checks are: 

  • Baby check. This is a physical examination of your new-born.  This is checking the development of your baby and also checking for any abnormalities, especially in baby’s heart, eyes, hips and testes. They may also discuss any recommended vaccinations and book appointments for those at this visit. 
  • Maternal (mum) check. This check is to discuss your physical and mental health. The doctor may check any stitches you had, help you book your next smear test if needed, talk to you about contraception and ask you about your emotions and mental health 

Both of these checks are important.  

The two checks can be booked together in one extended booking slot, or can be booked in separate slots. 

 In a survey performed by the National Childbirth Trust, many women fed back that the maternal section of the check can feel rushed and less thorough when only one slot was booked. In response to these concerns the booking format has now been changed to two separate checks to allow enough time for both mum and baby.  

It is highly encouraged that if you have any concerns, or simply wish to have the full opportunity to talk to your GP about your physical or mental health, to book these checks as separate slots.