What does a positive COVID test look like? 

Answer: two lines – even faint lines – indicate the test is positive.

Positive lateral flow test (LFT) result

If you have two lines (one next to C and one next to T), your lateral flow test is positive – like the one below on the right.

Coronavirus doctor's diary: 'Have I got Covid for a second time?' - BBC News

This is a NHS video on how to do a lateral flow test (LFT).

What do I do next?

You may need to book a more accurate PCR test.

PCR tests must be pre-booked via the Gov.UK website, or by calling 119.

You cannot drop in for a COVID PCR test.

Negative LFT result

If there is one line next to C (and no line next to T), your LFT is negative – like the one on the left above.

Void LFT result

If there is one line next to T (and no line next to C), or no lines, your LFT  is not working properly – and you should repeat it (if necessary from another set of kits).

Why is a COVID-19 LFT test done?

A LFT test is a reliable (but not perfect) and quick test for COVID-19. This is why it is done. In other words it is used as a first simple test for COVID-19. It has the advantage of being able to be done in 10 minutes at home (but is less accurate).


We have described what a positive COVID test looks like. Two lines. We hope it has helped you.