What does the phrase ‘medically fit for discharge’ mean?

The phrase ‘medically fit for discharge’ means that you have been assessed as no longer needing medical treatment in hospital, and that you’re ready to be discharged.

You may be able to go straight home. Or, if it’s likely that you’ll need some support before you can return home, you may be moved to a ‘step down’ facility.

This could be a different ward, hospital or perhaps a care home where you may receive a period of rehabilitation. The aim of rehabilitation will be to help you regain as much strength as possible so that you can return home if possible.

You should be allocated a person named a ‘Care Coordinator’. This could be the ward manager (nurse), another nurse or another health or social care professional. They may be known by a different title to Care Coordinator; but it will be part of their job to help guide you through the discharge process.

Be sure to ask who your Care Coordinator is and for a copy of their contact details if they aren’t automatically given to you. They will act as your point of contact, including for your family and friends, and can keep you updated on your discharge plans.