What is NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC)?

HS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is free social care available to everyone. It is a quite well kept secret.

It can fully-fund the care costs of a range of frail patients including those with dementia or long-term complex health needs. It is just for adults.

CHC can be provided in a variety of settings outside hospital, such as in your own home or in a nursing or residential home.

The initial application can be completed by a nurse, doctor, other healthcare professional or social worker.

What does it pay for?

  • Care in your own home: the NHS will pay for healthcare, i.e. services from a nurse or therapist, and personal care, for example help with washing, dressing and laundry
  • Care in a nursing or residential home: in addition to healthcare and personal care, the NHS will pay for your care home fees, including board and accommodation.

Eligibility rests on an assessment by a team of healthcare professionals who will look at someone’s care needs and relate them to:

  • what help they need
  • how complex those needs are
  • how unpredictable they are, including any risks to health if the right care is not provided at the right time.

It is quite complicated. So here are some things that may help: