What items should you take to hospital?

These are the things you need to take to hospital (if you are going to be admitted):

  • Current medication (and your repeat prescription list) – in case the ward do not keep a supply of them
  • Medical record. This should include all past and present illnesses and operations
  • Personal care items, including toiletries and sanitary items
  • Your toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Your glasses or contact lenses
  • Pyjamas, slippers and other clothing, including several changes of underwear. Thin clothes are best. It is hot in hospital
  • Sleep mask and earplugs. It will be bright and noisy at night. Also you will be woken up early (6-6.30am) as that is just before the nurses change their shifts
  • Mobile phone and charger.

Note. In many hospitals, mobile reception is poor.

If you forget any of these, do not panic. Many can be bought in hospital or the ward clerk can sort it out.