What questions should I ask before an operation?

In this article we will describe what questions should I ask before an operation.

Question No 1 (the most important one) – “would you have this operation?”

If there is any pause, or ifs ad buts, this may not be a great idea – and you should ask for other options to be explained to you.

Four more big questions to ask before an operation

1. What is your name, and are you going to do the operation?

What grade are you, and how many have you done on your own? Can you show me any performance data?

2. Why do I need this operation? 

And how will the operation be carried out?

3. What are the other treatment options? 

And is this operation the best option for me?

4. What are the risks, benefits and possible complications?

Please go through them slowly.

Other questions

Will my past medical history and/or medication
affect the risks, and possible complications?

What are my anaesthesia options?

  • What kind of anaesthesia is best for me? General? Local? Spinal?
  • Do I need to be seen in a pre operative clinic?
  • Will I need any blood test or other tests prior to surgery?
  • Are they aware of my allergies?

What can I expect before the operation?

  • Will I need any special preparation – blood tests, stop blood thinners, or change to my routine medication?
  • When do I have to stop eating and drinking?
  • Should I take my normal medication on the day of my operation?

What can I expect after the operation (recovery)?

  • How long will I be in hospital?
  • When will I be able to return to my regular activities (work, lifting, driving, exercise and sex)?
  • Will I need any post-op medication, antibiotics, or pain medication?
  • Will I have any drains or other tubes when I leave theatre and hospital?
  • What can I do to help my recovery – i.e. in hospital and when I go home?

Could you tell me about your experience with this operation?

Do you perform this operation regularly – if so, how many a week or month? Please show me some data on your performance.

How can I contact you if I have more questions?


We have now described what questions should I ask before an operation. We hope it has helped you.