When are you lightest during the day?

First thing in the morning. So weigh yourself first thing in the morning.

Your body loses significant water weight overnight through breathing and perspiration. So stepping on the scale first thing in the morning will often give you your lightest weight of the day.

This is why we recommend weighing yourself first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything.

Top tips for weighing yourself accurately

  • Use decent digital scales
  • Be consistent. Weigh yourself at the same time each day, and try to wear the same or similar clothing each time.
  • Use a hard, flat surface. An uneven surface can cause the scale to read incorrectly
  • Stand still
  • Stand barefoot on the scale with your weight evenly distributed on both feet.

Why weigh yourself in this way first thing in the morning?

This helps control for fluctuations due to hydration status or large meals, and will give you the best indication of any progress you are making towards body goals. Seeing that number on the scale in the morning – rather than before bed – can also inspire you to make healthier choices throughout your day.

Don’t underestimate your menstrual cycle

If you are a woman, you probably have a good idea of how much your cycle affects your weight each month. For some women, symptoms of PMS can include bloating or oedema, which can cause weight gain as the body retains water.

If you are seeing unexplained weight gain, take a moment to find out where you are in your cycle before making any drastic changes.

If you are getting close to your period, chances are you will lose that water weight as quickly as you gained it.

Other resource

Top tips to help you lose weight