When should I see a doctor about a bee sting?

You do not need to. Someone who’s stung by a bee, and showing no signs of an allergic reaction, can be treated without medical help.

If the stinger is still stuck under the skin, gently remove it by scraping a credit card across their skin, to remove it. Then wash the area with soap and water. That may be enough.

If more severe, apply a cool compress (e.g. frozen peas) for up to 10 minutes, to reduce pain and swelling.

To treat itching or pain from the sting, consider applying calamine lotion, up to 4 times a day.

Bee sting allergy
For some people, with a bee sting allergy, a bee sting can be a medical emergency. If a person is having a major allergic reaction to a bee sting, call 999 (or take them to your nearest A&E yourself).

I'm Not a Doctor, but… | Bad Beekeeping BlogExample of a severe allergic reaction

If they have an adrenaline auto-injector (like an EpiPen), help them find and use it. Encourage them to remain calm until help arrives.


We have explained when should I see a doctor about a bee sting. Rarely. We hope it has been helpful.