Earache and ear pain affect both children and adults.
It is common, especially in young children. About three-quarters of ear infections happen in children under 10 years of age.
What causes earache?
There are many causes. But most earaches are caused by a virus. So antibiotics do not help. Many of these episodes are due to an infection in the ‘middle ear’ called otitis media.
Some of the causes of earache
Tell me more about the symptoms, spread and treatment of earache.
Earache usually comes quite rapidly and the pain can be quite severe. The severe pain generally lasts only a day or 2. It is not usually a sign of anything serious.
Earache and ear pain can affect one or both ears.
The main symptoms of earache are:
A sore throat can also cause earache.
If there is no fever or temperature, the earache may be caused by a wax blockage or glue ear. Glue ear is where the empty middle part of the ear canal fills up with fluid.
Sometimes the pressure can cause the eardrum to burst and fluid may come out of the ear. Do not worry if this happens. Keep the ear dry and contact your GP or pharmacist.
Most earaches in children are caused by viral infections that will clear up by themselves in 3 to 4 days.
A young child with earache might also:
No, not usually.
Usually, pain relief is the only treatment needed for earache and ear pain.
You can take over-the-counter medicines to help with the pain and high temperature. Ask your pharmacist for advice.
Antibiotics will not reduce the pain of most ear infections. Do not take antibiotics for an ear infection unless your GP prescribes them.
Usually, you do not need to contact your GP if you have an earache.
Contact your GP if your earache does not improve within 3 to 4 days.
You should also contact your GP if you have an earache and:
We have described when should I see a doctor about an earache. We hope you understand it better now.