Who works on a hospital ward?

There are quite a few. Here are the main ones, and what they do:

  1. Senior doctors – consultants and registrars. They make the principle medical decisions about your care. They are assisted by 2, 3, 4 and 5. The consultants are in charge and responsible for all aspects of your care.
  2. Junior doctors. They are in training to become a registrar then a consultant one day.
  3. Consultant’s secretary. Hospital consultants have busy lives and so are assisted by a secretary. If you want to speak to your loved one’s consultant, it is a good idea to arrange that via their secretary. The ward clerk or nurses can get their number for you. Or you will probably be able to get it from the hospital website.
  4. Nurses. They deliver the day-to-day care whilst you are in hospital. There are several level of seniority, from modern matron to healthcare assistant (HCA). All have important roles.
  5. Allied health professionals – e.g. physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physicians associates (assist doctors), speech and language therapists and dietitians. They have different roles, all important.
  6. Ward Clerk. This is a key person on a ward, and will know a lot. If you ring the ward, they may well answer the phone. It is a good idea to get to know them.
  7. Managers. They are not obvious, but they are there and involved, and sort out problems.
  8. Others – e.g. porters, cleaners, domestics. Domestics are often very nice. They will bring you tea and biscuits. They are good to have a chat with.
  9. Students. There may be various types, working towards a qualification to become one of the health professionals above. Medical students may assist the doctors but will not lead your care.

Note. If you want to speak to one of them, it is best to ring about 4-6pm.

What should I do if I am unhappy with my care?

Ask to see:

  1. Your consultant
  2. The ward matron
  3. The manager in charge of the department that your consultant works in

If that does not work, contact (ring or go to) the hospital PALS department. They will near the main entrance.